Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let's Go Rssing

I've just learned all about RSSing. It's quite a unique tool and I can see how it can be addicting, especially for librarians as we are addicted to the world of information already as it is. The most important advantage of feeds or aggregators is that once the user has subscribed, the information or news is delivered TO YOU, rather than the user going to find the information himself via bookmarks. The variety of blogs is astounding. There are so many that it is virtually impossible to NOT find one of interest.

Speaking of feeds, try reading Feed by M.T. Anderson. This young adult book tells about a futuristic world where individuals are implanted with a "feed" chip in their brain at birth which continually provides them a source of incoming information. Do you think this could be a real possiblility for our future?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And in the beginning

Here we go friends! My first blog post. Hello to all that might be reading this. Quite an easy process to set up a blog I would say. The hardest thing is deciding which template to choose. I chose the black background as black is always more slimming! I'm quite proud of myself. I've read many blogs before but never felt I had the time to create and maintain one myself. Through this class, I've learned to do that!

To all my reader friends, I've found a great social site called Shelfari where one is able to share books with invited friends and keep a history of books read, books currently being read, and books one wants to read. You'll also see what other people are reading. The site is The graphics on the site are cute and include a bookshelf where the covers of your books show up as an image as opposed to a list. Check it out!