There's a nifty little tool that allows users to create their own customized search engines. That tool is Rollyo. The concept is simple: A user creates a "search roll" on a desired topic or subject. by choosing and adding websites of his choice to a search roll which he names. One search roll will accomodate up to 25 sites, or url's. If the owner wishes to share it, he marks it public. If not, he marks it private. It's now ready for others (or the owner) to search and find targeted results based on the websites that were included.
I can see educators using Rollyo as a learning tool. Teachers can create search roll(s) based on the curriculum being taught. They would include websites that contain content the students will find valuable and relative to the class and/or assignments. Conversely, students can create subject-based search rolls to share with their class, use in group projects, or use in research papers. Tags (keywords) can be added to search rolls so that others in the community can find them.
As for me, I experimented and created a search roll that I will probably use in the future. One of my job responsibilities is to order audiobooks and I like to read reviews occasionally before I decide what to purchase. My search roll is Listen Up - Audiobooks and I loaded it with sites that I think will be valuable to me. Stay tuned and I'll keep you posted as I create new search rolls.
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